October 2022: Events and Anniversaries Preview
26 September 2022

Welcome to your akg-images October preview tool, covering October 2022 to January 2023. Each date links to an album of imagery and brief text. If you haven't already seen it, take a look at our 2023 feature of anniversaries and events with over 75 albums of images to inspire you.
October is traditionally the month of the harvest and, more recently, the month of pumpkin-spice ubiquity. World Space Week is held annually in October, along with United Nations Day occurring on 24th.
You can find the preview in our Newsroom along with other interesting stories, and you can connect with us on Instagram where we regularly share interesting content.
Featured Story:
Children in War - feature for World Children's Day 2022
October 2022
2 October: Paul von Hindenburg - 175th anniversary of his birth
3 October: Pierre Bonnard - 155th anniversary of his birth
4 October: Lucas Cranach the Elder - 550th anniversary of his birth
4 October: Jackie Collins - 85th anniversary of her birth
6 October: Le Corbusier - 135th anniversary of his birth
6 October: Yevgeny Khaldei - 25th anniversary of his death
12 October: Columbus reaches the Americas - 530th anniversary
13 October: Antonio Canova - 200th anniversary of his death
16 October: Cuban Missile Crisis - 60th anniversary
18 October: The BBC turns 100 years old
19 October: Umberto Boccioni - 140th anniversary of his birth
21 October: Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 250th anniversary of his birth
24 October: Diwali 2022
26 October: Vasili Vasilyevich Vereshchagin - 180th anniversary of his birth
28 October: Mussolini's March on Rome - 100th anniversary
28 October: Canaletto - 325th anniversary of his birth
31 October: Halloween
November 2022
4 November: Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamun's tomb - 100th anniversary
4 November: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy - 175th anniversary of his death
5 November: Ida Tarbell - 165th anniversary of her birth
8 November: Bram Stoker - 175th anniversary of his birth
10 November: William Hogarth - 325th anniversary of his birth
15 November: Georgia O'Keeffe - 135th anniversary of her birth
14 November: King Charles III - 74th birthday
18 November: Marcel Proust - 100th anniversary of his death
20 November: World Children's Day
23 November: Agnolo Bronzino - 450th anniversary of his death
24 November: Thanksgiving
27 November: Jimi Hendrix - 80th anniversary of his birth
29 November: Jacques Chirac - 90th anniversary of his birth
December 2022
2 December: Hernán Cortés - 425th anniversary of his death
2 December: St Paul's Cathedral opens in London - 325th anniversary
5 December: Great Smog of London - 70th anniversary
6 December: Everglades National Park is established - 75th anniversary
10 December: Cesar Franck - 200th anniversary of his birth
13 December: Nicholas Roerich - 75th anniversary of his death
18 December: Hanukkah begins
21 December: Robert Seldon Duncanson - 150th anniversary of his death
21 December: HMS Challenger Expedition begins - 150th anniversary
24 December: Ava Gardner - 100th anniversary of her birth
25 December: Christmas Day - contemporary or classic style
27 December: Louis Pasteur - 200th anniversary of his birth
28 December: Stan Lee - 100th anniversary of his birth
30 December: Founding of the Soviet Union - 100th anniversary
31 December: New Year's Eve
January 2023
(exact date unknown) 2023: Pietro Perugino - 500th anniversary of his death
4 January: Myanmar (formerly Burma) gains independence - 75th anniversary
7 January: Nikola Tesla - 80th anniversary of his death
8 January: Alfred Russel Wallace - 200th anniversary of his birth
9 January: Gracie Fields - 125th anniversary of her birth
14 January: Lewis Carroll - 125th anniversary of his death
19 January: Janis Joplin - 80th anniversary of her birth
20 January: Audrey Hepburn - 30th anniversary of her death
22 January: Roe vs Wade, landmark case in the USA - 50th anniversary
24 January: Vasily Ivanovich Surikov - 175th anniversary of his birth
24 January: Sharon Tate, American actress - 80th anniversary of her birth
29 January: Elihu Vedder - 100th anniversary of his death
30 January: Mahatma Gandhi - 75th anniversary of his death
You can also find daily content on Instagram and in our Newsroom.
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Banner image: "Lahaul, The Himalayas", 1932.
Roerich, Nicholas, 1874–1947
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