Happy Holidays
from akg-images
21 December 2020
Merry Christmas, happy Chanukah, and joyous Winter Solstice from all of us at akg-images.
While it is safe to say that most of us are observing winter festivals differently than we did last year; this year there is more reason than ever to celebrate the return of light and to re-kindle hope for the future.
To help with your own celebrations please accept this fabulous image of William Pape’s Woodcut after drawing of “Sunday Christmas shopping in Berlin” for use as your festive background to Zoom, SKYPE, Teams and Messenger video chats with colleagues, families, and friends this holiday season. Just follow the link below the image for an optimised version of the image you see here.
Click here to download your gift.
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Please note: our office will be closed between 24 December and 3 January for the seasonal eating of mince pies and (socially distanced) carol singing.
Wishing you happy and healthy holidays and a more normal 2021.