December 2022: Events and Anniversaries Preview
2 December 2022
Welcome to your akg-images December preview tool, covering December 2022 to March 2023. Each date links to an album of imagery and brief text.
December has arrived bringing many days of observance, such as World Wildlife Conservation Day and St Nicholas Day, and of course Christmas and the New Year. Here are our opening times for the festive season.
If you would like our content lists for 2023, 2024 and 2025, please get in touch using the details at the bottom of the page. We will have a brand new one for 2026 ready for you in January.
You can find the preview in our Newsroom along with other interesting stories, and you can connect with us on Instagram and LinkedIn where we regularly share interesting content.
Featured Story:
Homo sapiens - The First Artists
Werner Forman Archive collection - akg-images is proud to have been chosen as the exclusive global representative for the renowned Werner Forman Archive collection. All imagery is now available from all akg-images offices.
December 2022
1 December: World Aids Day
2 December: Hernán Cortés - 425th anniversary of his death
2 December: St Paul's Cathedral opens in London - 325th anniversary
5 December: Great Smog of London - 70th anniversary
6 December: Everglades National Park is established - 75th anniversary
10 December: Cesar Franck - 200th anniversary of his birth
13 December: Nicholas Roerich - 75th anniversary of his death
18 December: Hanukkah begins
20 December: Tony Vaccaro - 100th birthday
21 December: Robert Seldon Duncanson - 150th anniversary of his death
21 December: HMS Challenger Expedition begins - 150th anniversary
24 December: Ava Gardner - 100th anniversary of her birth
25 December: Christmas Day - contemporary or classic style
27 December: Louis Pasteur - 200th anniversary of his birth
28 December: Stan Lee - 100th anniversary of his birth
30 December: Founding of the Soviet Union - 100th anniversary
31 December: New Year's Eve
January 2023
(exact date unknown) 2023: Pietro Perugino - 500th anniversary of his death
4 January: Myanmar (formerly Burma) gains independence - 75th anniversary
7 January: Nikola Tesla - 80th anniversary of his death
8 January: Alfred Russel Wallace - 200th anniversary of his birth
9 January: Gracie Fields - 125th anniversary of her birth
14 January: Lewis Carroll - 125th anniversary of his death
19 January: Janis Joplin - 80th anniversary of her birth
20 January: Audrey Hepburn - 30th anniversary of her death
22 January: Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit
22 January: Roe vs Wade, landmark case in the USA - 50th anniversary
24 January: Vasily Ivanovich Surikov - 175th anniversary of his birth
24 January: Sharon Tate, American actress - 80th anniversary of her birth
25 January: Burns Night
27 January: Holocaust Memorial Day
29 January: Elihu Vedder - 100th anniversary of his death
30 January: Mahatma Gandhi - 75th anniversary of his death
30 January: National Storytelling Week UK
February 2023
2 February: The Battle of Stalingrad ends - 80th anniversary
2 February: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed - 175th anniversary
4 February: Alice Cooper - 75th birthday
7 February: George Washington Wilson - 200th anniversary of his birth
12 February: Darwin Day
13 February: Chuck Yeager - 100th anniversary of his birth
14 February: St Valentine's Day
16 February: Carter enters the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - 100 years
18 February: Louis Comfort Tiffany - 175th anniversary of his birth
19 February: Nicolaus Copernicus - 550th anniversary of his birth
20 February: Blaine Act ends US Prohibition - 90th anniversary
22 February: Sophie Scholl - 80th anniversary of her death
25 February: Enrico Caruso - 150th anniversary of his birth
27 February: Reichstag fire - 90th anniversary
March 2023
1 March: Women's History Month UK
2 March: World Book Day
5 March: Joseph Stalin - 70th anniversary of his death
8 March: Sir Christopher Wren - 300th anniversary of his death
8 March: International Women's Day
8 March: Holi Festival
12 March: Karl Hagemeister - 175th anniversary of his birth
14 March: Michael Caine - 90th birthday
14 March: Karl Marx - 140th anniversary of his death
16 March: Aubrey Beardsley - 125th anniversary of his death
17 March: St Patrick's Day
18 March: German revolutions of 1848-1849 - 175th anniversary
19 March: Mother's Day UK
22 March: World Water Day
22 March: George Benson - 80th birthday
22 March: Marcel Marceau - 100th anniversary of his birth
22 March: William I of Germany - 225th anniversary
26 March: Sarah Bernhardt - 100th anniversary of her death
26 March: Daylight Savings begins, UK - clocks go forward one hour
30 March: Vincent Van Gogh - 170th anniversary of his birth
You can also find daily content on Instagram and in our Newsroom.
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